Friday, June 10, 2011


Noah and I went to the gym two times this week. Jealous?

Tuesday we went for 30 minutes to run. I wore my new shorts I bought....felt like a dick but I didn't die from being overheated. Score!

I did my usual, run 5 minutes, walk 5 minutes. By the end of the half hour I clocked in at a 13 minute mile. HORRIBLE!

Noah clocked in at a 21 minute mile....oh nooooo. haha

So, we have some work to do.

Friday we ALSO went to the gym one hour before it closed. It was great. No one was there. We basically had the place to ourselves. We spent a bunch of time on the elliptical machine and then did some weight lifting and/or machines. We worked out our backs, our arms, our legs. I personally felt like the HULK afterwards. Yeahhhhh GYM!!!

Note: I also got a letter in the mail about signing up friends and family this month for a 5 dollar initiation fee...instead of 60 dollars. WOW! I asked Jacob to join and he said...."I'll train outside" and then he ate two bowls of ice cream.

I can't get anyone to get excited about the gym.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Thursday was a gym hour workout! The mid week kicker! But, Noah stood me up to go to the movies to see Thor.

He offered to go to the gym on Friday...but the gym closes at 7 on Friday and I don't get home from my job until after 7. Perhaps Friday night would have been a better option for a movie? haha. I think I see how this training is going to end race in October.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


After 4 days away from the gym, Noah and I went back. We both were on the treadmill for 30 minutes each. I walk 5 minutes/run 5 minutes....and then it slowly goes to walk 5 minutes/run 3 minutes...walk 10 minutes/run 1 minute. Not bad I guess.

A guy stepped up on the treadmill next to Noah and he was running...FAST....from the second he stepped on. He ran like a gazelle. Noah said he did 1 mile in 5 minutes..... I did 2.14 miles in over 30 minutes. GULP.

I really almost died today. Noah had a similar experience of almost dying. I asked him if he ran at all during the 30 minutes and he said 'not at all'

Anyway.....I'm thinking Noah and I should get involved in some 5K's in between our big run. A 5K is 3 miles which isn't all that bad. Our big run is only 6! I think we can do it! I say at least two in between October!?!?!?!

I'm also thinking the Downs should start a group and do the "MUD RUN" in Philly coming up! It looks fun!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday Gym?? HMM??? I planned on waking up early and going to the gym to get in my 'run'.... BUT my phone alarm went off at 9:45 am this morning and I threw my phone clear across the room and it smashed against the wall. I slept until 12:30.

Now, while I wanted to go to the gym, I didn't. I need more discipline. This is true.

But instead I did some pilaties....I have to figure out how to spell pilaties.

I saw this today on and thought that Noah and I could use these water bottles for the gym when we DO go. It would be a good motivation for us I think. You can add any text and font you wont and they print it on the I added my own personal text!

That's all. I'm off to babysit all night. But I will say...I AM GOING TO THE GYM TO RUN TOMORROW - SUNDAY!

I hope Noah joins me?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hershey Half Marathon

Noah and I are going to be team racing in the Hershey Half Marathon this year in Hershey, PA!!!

So, this run takes place on October 16th which is a good five months away give and take some weeks. A half marathon is 13 miles and Noah and I thought we would both have to run 13 miles....this is not true. It is a relay for us because we signed up as a team.

Noah runs 6 miles and I will run 6 miles. Even better for two people who haven't done much in the way of exercise in about 10 years.

The run benefits the Childrens Miracle Network and the locally raised money will be given to the Penn State Hershey Children's hospital. The route of the run will run past this hospital and it's rumoured that the people from the hospital will be cheering us on as we run by. EPIC!

We both belong to Planet Fitness and attend about twice a week... on a good week. Lately, I've been pushing Noah to focus on running or jogging to build up our stamina. I try to start with 5 minutes of running and alternate 3 minutes of running and 3 minutes of fast walking. We only spend about 30 minutes at the gym each visit and by the end of the 30 minutes we are both about to collapse.

The other day I told Noah that we need to start getting really serious about running and going to the gym 3 times a week and running around Comly on the weekend. Noah suggested we start that routine in October. gulp.

We're gonna die on the chocolate smelling streets of Hershey, PA.

Also, I found this picture on the internet somewhere and think it's awesome.